Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Are There Fake Pollsters in Kansas?

As I am learning the ropes of Twitter, I make certain I am following all candidates from Kansas who are running for the United States Senate and Congress. In essence, I started The Kansas Conservative Chronicle to go that extra mile within Kansas politics. As I've learned in my many years as a self-described politico, we cannot always trust our public servants. I have learned there are fervent supporters for candidates who will announce scandals, lies, complaints and truths through their respective Twitter accounts. With each article, blog post and status update I ingest, I try to find the opposing arguments to capture a true sense of where conservatives in Kansas feel these races are headed. We're all in agreement that the main goal for Kansas conservatives is to keep the state Red in both the U.S. House and Senate.

Most recently on Twitter, it appears the Moran for Kansas and Kansans for Tiahrt campaigns are having a difference of opinion regarding earmarks, tax hikes, and fake pollsters here in Kansas. Yesterday, as I was preparing an article on the Fourth District Congressional forum, I caught wind of an "earmarks" battle amongst Moran for Kansas spokesman, Dan Conston and Kansans for Tihart spokeswoman, Michelle Schroeder.

As allegations of earmarks and tax increases are exploding throughout Twitter this morning, one tweet in particular caught my attention. I currently follow Vicki Holland Tiahrt, wife of Rep. Todd Tiahrt (R-KS) on Twitter. Mrs. Tiahrt posted a tweet this morning, referring to a "fake poll" being conducted by Rep. Jerry Moran's (R-KS) United State Senate campaign, Moran for Kansas.

Vicki called out political consultant and Axiom Strategy's Chief Executive Officer, Jeff Roe, as the culprit of such fake polls. Jeff Roe's campaign strategies have been known as cut-throat in the past. Immediately, I replied to Vicki Tiahrt's twitter, GOP4ME2, wanting to know more on this issue, specifically requesting a credible source for the fake pollster allegations.

SurveyUSA has conducted several polls since the beginning of the Tiahrt V Moran race. In each poll, Moran's lead has fluctuated, but has remained the consistent leader. A fake poll conducted in Kansas should be taken seriously, and I intend to continue to request this information from Mrs. Tiahrt.

While waiting for a response from Tiahrt, I searched for other fraudulent polls in the race to replace Sen. Sam Brownback (R-KS). In my search, I found a tweet dated three weeks ago from JCCC Trustee Stephanie Sharp, indicating that Kansans for Tiahrt Field Director, Melissa Ward was posing as a pollster from USA Today. Wanting to check my facts, I did a search on the Lawrence based number referenced in Stephanie's tweet.

The phone number belongs to Kansans for Tiahrt Field Director, Melissa Ward. I do not know Stephanie Sharp personally, but it seems from her Twitter activity, she is neither a Moran nor a Tiahrt supporter.

I was unable to send a Direct Message to Stephanie or Vicki on twitter to request further clarification. As information comes to me, I will update this article accordingly. Please add your comments on this issue, as I am curious if anyone else has recently received fake or abnormal polling calls.

Final Note: It is inevitable that hair-splitting with be the theme throughout this race until the August 3rd, 2010 primary. Accusations and voting records will be brought to the surface in an effort to expose each candidate as "more" or "less" conservative. These are the games politicos play in a contested primary. In regard to fake pollsters surveying Kansans? It's fraudulent and should be investigated further. Kansans deserve honest and reputable polling sources. Impersonating USA Today or Survey USA compromises the integrity of the race to replace Brownback.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Moran, Tiahrt receive recent endorsements

In the race for for Sen. Sam Brownback's (R-KS) United State Senate seat, Reps. Todd Tiahrt (R-KS) and Jerry Moran (R-KS) have both been touting their respective endorsements.

Just yesterday, Rep. Tiahrt announced he's been endorsed by 23 Kansas state legislators in his primary struggle against Moran. All 23 of these endorsements come from within Tiahrt's district, the fourth Congressional District of Kansas. On the same day of Tiahrt's announcement, Rep. Moran and Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK), held Moran's 894th Town Hall meeting in Wichita; which is right in Rep. Tiahrt's backyard. Coburn, one of only two doctors in the United States Senate, has endorsed Moran.

Tiahrt's recent endorsements should prove a positive for his campaign, as his previous endorsements include former AG John Ashcroft, former Education Secretary Bill Bennett, former Senator Rick Santorum and Former Rep. Jim Ryun, among others.

Moran's endorsements include U.S. Sens John Thune (R-SD), Tom Coburn (R-OK), Jim DeMint (R-OK), Mike Johanns (R-NE), Richard Burr (R-NC), along with Rep. Jeff Flake (R-AZ). Some may view Moran's endorsements as more relevant, considering he's received more support from members of the U.S. Senate whom currently hold office and will be working alongside Rep. Moran should he take over Brownback's seat. Moran has been toted as the more "fiscally conservative" candidate, while Tiahrt has pushed the socially conservative card, namely the issue of life. In reality, both candidates are pro-gun, pro-life and anti-socialized health care. When surveyed by conservative coalitions such as The American Conservative Union and The Family Research Council, the two Republicans from Kansas are neck and neck.

Final Note: With less than five months until the two conservative Congressman duke it out in the August primary, I anticipate several more endorsements from each side. Moran can expect to receive a similar package of nods from Kansas State Representatives and Senators from the First Congressional District, while a handful of current U.S. Representative and Senators would help to boost Tiahrt's playbook. If these endorsements were the sole predictor of voter turnout, at this stage in the game, the two may need to go into overtime.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Blister on Stephene Moore

Kevin Yoder, candidate for the Third Congressional District in Kansas just released his Q1 2010 fundraising numbers this morning with an astounding $267,000 reported. Nick Jordan, his closest competitor, has not yet released his first quarter numbers.

Unless Nick Jordan releases a comparable number, constituents in the Third will be forced to admit Kevin Yoder is the clear front runner. Today's announcement should bolster the Third District morale, as Stephene Moore announces she plans to retain the Moore dynasty in Congress, a disappointment amongst many conservatives in Kansas.

In a small but educational nugget in The Kansas City Star's Prime Buzz, Steve Kraske points out Rep. Todd Tiahrt (R-KS) was outraised by Kevin Yoder in the last quarter of 2009. This comparison had not been brought to the attention of most Kansans, as Tiahrt is running for Sen. Sam Brownback's United States Senate seat, not Dennis Moore's Congressional seat. Still, this information indicates that Kevin Yoder is garnering massive GOP donor attention, or Rep. Tiahrt has some catching up to do.

Final Note: Until Rep. Jerry Moran (R-KS), Nick Jordan and Rep. Todd Tiahrt(R-KS) follow suit and release their respective fundraising balances, The Chronicle is inclined to agree with Steve Kraske: Yoder's numbers are so strong that he's fast emerging as the leading GOPer in the primary race.

Kansas Republican Assembly, Moore Lies?

Please take a look at Kansas Republican Assembly's latest post on Dennis and Stephene Moore.

KRA posted a quote from Rep. Dennis Moore (D-KS) regarding why, in fact, he was retiring his six-term seat in the United States House of Representatives.

Thank you to KRA for bringing this to the surface.

Final Note: Moore claims he made a "promise" to his wife, Stephene. Stephene Moore will make a "promise" to the constituents of the Third Congressional District in Kansas. She supports Barack Obama's liberal agenda and will promise to represent the Third in the same shotty manner as her husband.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Stephene Moore to Run for Congress

Stephene Moore, wife of United State Congressman Dennis Moore (R-KS), has officially announced today that she will be running for her husband's soon to be vacated seat in the Third District of Kansas.

At the Third District Congressional Debate held last month, I left the Blue Valley Northwest Performing Arts Center with a strong sense of conservative confidence. I knew, regardless of which candidate will snatch up the nomination, the seat will finally become red.
As much as I hesitate to put this in writing, I am not as confident as I once was. It pains me to think, after hearing the shocking yet appropriate news late last year, I am once again fearful of misrepresentation in Washington.

The question is, does Stephene Moore have a chance of defeating Nick Jordan, Kevin Yoder, Patricia Lightner, Daniel Gilyeat, John Rysavy or Craig McPherson?

It will be close, but I think it can be done. Stephene is going to have a few things on her side which will make the fight on this side of the aisle more difficult than first thought. It comes down to two important components:

Donors: There are plenty of moderates and democrats in the Third District with deep pockets. These are the people who have out-raised every candidate from Adam Taff to Nick Jordan. Stephene will have access to lists, contacts, lobbyists and the like who, believe it or not, like her husband and are pleased with his performance.

Name ID: Like I mentioned in the previous paragraph, a great deal of people in the Third are pleased with their Congressman. If they want more of the same, they'll just have to check "Moore".

Generous donors and a recognizable name cannot completely overcome that fact that Stephene, a nurse by trade, has absolutely zero legislative experience. Besides the fact that she has been married to a six-term Congressman for 20 years, Stephene strikes out in this area. Stephene has stated that she is pro-choice, pro-bailout and pro-healthcare bill. The wife of this so-called moderate is supporting left-leaning liberal ideals.

FINAL NOTE: With the primary nearing, republicans in the Third need to back 1-3 GOP candidates, and the remaining candidates should duck out, and endorse one of the remaining candidates running.We don't need another "blue-dog" democrat in this seat. We must do whatever we can to make sure we don't get any "Moore" of this liberal agenda in Kansas.

More Help is On the Way

Charlotte O'Hara is responsible for this humorous sketch.

Complements of Kansas Meadowlark.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Town Hall with Rep. Jerry Moran (R-KS)

A little less than two weeks ago, while sitting at the breakfast table with my family, the idea of The Kansas Conservative Chronicle came up while passing the pancake syrup.

I have always had a very strong interest in Kansas politics and the availability of credible, non-biased information on upcoming races is non-existent.

Even publications such as The Wichita Eagle and The Pittsburg Morning Sun seem to have nailed down their pick for Senator Sam Brownback's(R-KS)open seat. I find this disheartening, as we're still five months away from the primary, to be held on Tuesday, August 3, 2010.

With a mouth full of my famous french toast, I pledged I would start
The Chronicle and pledge to steer clear of the snark and ugliness found on both sides of the Kansas Blogosphere.

Last week, I received e-mails from both Rep. Todd Tiahrt (R-KS) and Rep. Jerry Moran (R-KS) announcing upcoming Town Halls in Northeastern Kansas, which is close to my home.

My original plan was to attend both forums and give an honest and straightforward report. Due to soccer practice and a sick kiddo, I was unable to make it out to Rep. Tiahrt's Town Hall on March 30, 2010.

I arrived early at the Tomahawk Ridge Community Center and was greeted by pleasant kids in Moran for U.S. Senate T-Shirts. I soon learned, the Town Hall I attended was
Rep. Jerry Moran's 891st, which, from what I understand, is far less that Rep. Tiahrt.

Upon checking in, I was greeted with a bold statement regarding Tiahrt's Town Halls vs Moran's Town Halls.

The statement was bold, so of course I was inclined to snap a quick photo for The Chronicle.
I have to admit, 891 town halls is impressive. Sure, this large number accounts for 14 years in Congress, but attending to 69 counties, and a corresponding town hall for each on an annual basis? I found that admirable.
As I waited for the forum to begin, an older couple sitting next to me introduced themselves and, unlike me, they've already decided Rep. Moran is the right person to send to Washington.

The coupled traveled from Wamego and had attended Rep. Tiahrt's town hall the previous day, in Topeka.

"You know," the woman says to me, "The last time we were here, Tihart called him Jerry Moron".

I respond, "really? was that a mistake on his part?"

Looking over her multi-colored glasses and leaning in closely, "we didn't appreciate it."

Before I could ask her to elaborate further, Rep. Moran commenced his town hall.
The town hall ran much longer than I anticipated, but I was able to not only ask a question, but witness Moran's explanation on government sponsored pensions, the health care bill and keeping Kansas a competitive market for small businesses to thrive.
Rep. Moran emphasized that, if elected to the United States Senate, him and his family would remain Kansans. I didn't realize Rep. Moran traveled home to his house in Hays, Kansas, as often as he did.

Rep. Moran seemed to think well on his feet, answering most questions fully and accurately.

One gentleman rose to thank Moran for being a republican and for his service. He then posed the question that addressed the proverbial elephant in the room:

"What are the differences between Todd Tiahrt and you, and why should we support you?"

Rep. Moran responded that people often say he's too nice to be in politics, and the main separation, between him and Tiahrt,without getting mean, was that he voted against "Cash for Clunkers and all other parts of the stimulus", whereas Todd had not.

I wasn't completely satisfied with the answer, but I do appreciate him remaining a gentleman, as I felt the town hall was more of an informational session than a campaigning opportunity.
Several members of the crowd expressed their anger towards the way Washington is headed, and Rep. Moran agreed that he believes our government is bankrupt.

I appreciated the candidness of Rep. Moran's answers and felt that was the general consensus of the room.
As the town hall wrapped up, I had a chance to reconvene with the couple next to me regarding the previous day's town hall with Rep. Tiahrt. After a brief conversation, I found that the couple owns a small business in Wamego. They felt Rep. Moran came off as more "genuine" and appreciated his dedication to remaining in Kansas. Still feeling the sting from the "Moron" comment, the couple also felt Rep. Moran represents them as constituents, more so than Rep. Tiahrt.

Final note: I was impressed with Moran's quickness on his feet and the majority of the attendees seemed enamored with the Congressman. I appreciated his down to earth mentality and ability to field challenging questions facing Kansans and Americans. The forum didn't lead me any closer toward making a decision between Moran and Tiahrt, but I do feel I have a better grip on Moran's ideals. At the next opportunity, I will post a similar article regarding Rep. Tiahrt's town hall.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Welcome to the Chronicle!

Thank you for taking the time to visit The Kansas Conservative Chronicle. I am embarking on a blogging journey out of necessity, not choice.

As a life-long Kansan, I have been extremely disappointed thus far with the amount of fair and accurate information regarding our elected officials in our great state.

I admire the posting frequency of many Kansas blogs, but unlike most Kansas political bloggers, I am an undecided in many races.

I hope you'll add me to your blogroll as I attempt to provide analysis on the November 2010 elections effecting the state of Kansas.

Up next: my review of the Town Hall with Rep. Jerry Moran (R-KS), held on Wednesday, March 31. I was unable to attend Rep. Todd Tiahrt's (R-KS)Town Hall the day before, but have been told via Twitter, that he will be conducting another Town Hall close to me soon.
