Thursday, April 8, 2010

Moran, Tiahrt receive recent endorsements

In the race for for Sen. Sam Brownback's (R-KS) United State Senate seat, Reps. Todd Tiahrt (R-KS) and Jerry Moran (R-KS) have both been touting their respective endorsements.

Just yesterday, Rep. Tiahrt announced he's been endorsed by 23 Kansas state legislators in his primary struggle against Moran. All 23 of these endorsements come from within Tiahrt's district, the fourth Congressional District of Kansas. On the same day of Tiahrt's announcement, Rep. Moran and Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK), held Moran's 894th Town Hall meeting in Wichita; which is right in Rep. Tiahrt's backyard. Coburn, one of only two doctors in the United States Senate, has endorsed Moran.

Tiahrt's recent endorsements should prove a positive for his campaign, as his previous endorsements include former AG John Ashcroft, former Education Secretary Bill Bennett, former Senator Rick Santorum and Former Rep. Jim Ryun, among others.

Moran's endorsements include U.S. Sens John Thune (R-SD), Tom Coburn (R-OK), Jim DeMint (R-OK), Mike Johanns (R-NE), Richard Burr (R-NC), along with Rep. Jeff Flake (R-AZ). Some may view Moran's endorsements as more relevant, considering he's received more support from members of the U.S. Senate whom currently hold office and will be working alongside Rep. Moran should he take over Brownback's seat. Moran has been toted as the more "fiscally conservative" candidate, while Tiahrt has pushed the socially conservative card, namely the issue of life. In reality, both candidates are pro-gun, pro-life and anti-socialized health care. When surveyed by conservative coalitions such as The American Conservative Union and The Family Research Council, the two Republicans from Kansas are neck and neck.

Final Note: With less than five months until the two conservative Congressman duke it out in the August primary, I anticipate several more endorsements from each side. Moran can expect to receive a similar package of nods from Kansas State Representatives and Senators from the First Congressional District, while a handful of current U.S. Representative and Senators would help to boost Tiahrt's playbook. If these endorsements were the sole predictor of voter turnout, at this stage in the game, the two may need to go into overtime.


  1. Well, Moran is the more fiscally conservative candidate and that is what is most important in this upcoming election. I hope others realize that Moran is really the right choice. I went to a townhall for both recently and it became overwhelmingly clear that Moran is who we need.

  2. Conservative in ConnecticutApril 9, 2010 at 8:12 AM

    As a fiscal conservative, one of the best endorsements a candidate can attain is from Jeff Flake. I have a great deal of respect for the Junior Senator from Arizona. He has led the fight to combat earmarks and wasteful spending in Washington. Hopefully, Mr. Flake and Mr. Moran will be working together for all Americans!

  3. I guess you can debate who is more conservative. National Journal's House Conservative Scores ranked Tiahrt as 80.3 and Moran as 65.3, and that included the economic category. National Taxpayers Union scored Tiahrt at 86% and Moran 84%. Moran should not be considered more fiscally conservative than Tiahrt.

  4. Conservative in ConnecticutApril 12, 2010 at 2:22 PM

    Dear "Anonymous":

    The Club for Growth does not agree with your statement. Rep. Moran scored a 96% while Rep. Tiahrt scored a 29% on the Club's "RePORK Card".

  5. Actually that Club for Growth score is only a one time blip that reflects Moran's election year conversion to being a conservative. Moran got a 4% on that same RePork card in 2007, the same year he received the Porker of the month award from Citizens Against Government Waste.

    Tiahrt has consistently had better scores from the Club and all the other fiscally conservative groups.

    Moran does, however, beat him in the ACLU and the ACORN scores.

    Check out all of Moran's tax increases on Tiahrt's website.


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